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6.29 6.29 / 10, (8154 röster) - Sätt betyg
Antal spelare: 1 - 8
Speltid: 60 - 120 (min)
Ålder: 12+
Försälj. rank: 12393/16004
245 kr
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Tyvärr går det inte att beställa Red November längre.
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•1 game board
•8 plastic Gnomes
•9 plastic time keepers
•64 cards
•1 action die
•3 Disaster Track Markers
•83 tokens
Bad times have hit the experimental gnomish submarine Red November.
The sub has gone crazy, and everything’s going wrong at once. Fires are burning, the sub is leaking, and critical systems keep failing. Help is on the way, but the gnomish sailors must hold out until the rescuers arrive.
Red November, a frantic game of survival for 2-8 players, is a cooperative race against the clock. Co-designed by the prolific Bruno Faidutti (Ad Astra, Citadels), Red November tasks players with keeping their sub from sinking, which means combating raging fires, rising flood waters, and dangerous reactor failures. Everyone must work together if anyone is to survive, and working together means finding the most efficient use of every gnome on board.
With every passing minute, something goes wrong. Can you make it until help arrives?
Warning: Oxygen levels critical! Danger! Asphyxiation!
Oxygen levels stable.
Warning: Reactors overheating! Danger!
Reactors cooled.
Warning! Warning! Warning!
Welcome to the BFGS Red November, a doomed submarine where everything can and does go wrong. The Red November is home to gnomish submariners trapped struggling against a hellish cycle of fire, floods, missile strikes, and nuclear meltdowns. In the face of such catastrophe, sometimes the only choice is a stiff gulp of grog.
Red November is a cooperative board game for 1–8 players, and the revised edition includes a larger game board,Item cards, and clarified rules. Control desperate sailors in a frantic race against the clock. Can you survive in the submarine until you are rescued? To prevent destruction, players must work together to complete tasks as efficiently as possible.
Running out of Time
The game board features a map of the Red November, with ten numbered rooms connected by hatches, each a potential site for calamity. A time track runs around the edge of the board, counting down from 60 to “Rescued!” Whether this last space is a taunt or a promise is for you to discover.
What can go wrong...first? Your gnomish sailors are practically drowning the second they hit the water. The submariners move around the board from room to room and take a single action, to fix whichever problem is most pressing, or to collect item cards. Each movement and action takes a certain number of precious minutes. The amount of time is tracked by the Ghost Time Keeper around the board’s time track, and at the end of the turn the player’s own Time Keeper advances to reach the Ghost Time Keeper. Every turn is just borrowed time.
The advancing Time Keeper triggers the drawing of Event and Item cards and anxiety in your gnomes, who wait in torturous anticipation for more disasters to be revealed. The more time used during a player’s turn, the larger the amount of Event cards drawn during the player’s Time Keeper advancement. Event cards cause fire, floods, malfunctioning critical systems, or even a horrific kraken that attacks the ship. Item cards represent the supplies available on board that gnomes can utilize, players use them to accomplish their tasks. Players must continue in this literal one-step-forward-two-steps-back manner until the submarine is rescued...or lost forever.
Hitting the Bottle
Sometimes gnomes will be so terrified by the tasks they need to perform that they must drink grog to gain the courage to fight on. However, during each turn, players have their gnomes perform a sobriety test. The more grog a gnome has ingested, the more danger they are in of passing out from drunkenness. A passed out gnome is in danger of dying if he is trapped in a flooded room or a room on fire. Is luck on your side? Can your drunk sailor still save the day?
The Red November is lost if any disaster track marker reaches the end of its track, through a disaster event that wasn’t prevented, of if all the gnomes are killed in the line of duty. To be rescued from the Red November, every gnome must reach the rescued space and have all pending events resolved.
The game also contains optional rules to increase or decrease the difficulty of game play, create paranoia, or try solo play. In a solitaire game of Red November, the player must control at least three gnomes, of course they have the option of controlling more for a greater challenge, and standard rules apply in relation to keeping each gnome’s items separate and trading.
These gnomes don’t want to go down with the ship but their chances are slim. You will enjoy the challenge of balancing time management with which actions to perform. Players must weigh the plague of problems and carefully decide where to send their gnomes, to solve the most pressing one first. Or players can alternatively hurl their half-drunk gnomes at whatever seems good at the time, seeing how long they can last in the chaos.
Revised Edition
The newly revised edition of Red November introduces a larger game board, Item cards, and clarified rules. While retaining the best aspects of the original Red November, the revised edition of Red November provides players with a few simple updates that will improve their playing experience. The larger game board allows a greater number of players more room and accessibility. The previous Item tokens have been transformed into Item cards, providing an easier handling experience, and eliminating the necessity to check reference sheets during turns.
In Red November there are many ways to die, but only one way to win. Are you gnome enough to face the challenge? Do you need a drink?
Speltyp: Strategispel
Kategori: Samarbete, Fantasy, Humor, Sjöfart, Områdesförflyttning, Tärning, Hand management, Tidsaxel
Tillverkare: Fantasy Flight Games
Länkar: Regler, Tillverkarens hemsida, BoardGameGeek
Taggar: Lägg till/editera tags
Hysteriskt samarbete - 8/10
Att rädda fulla småtomtar från en sjunkande ubåt kanske inte låter som det optimala temat för ett spel, men efter några omgångar börjar man känna för de små tomtarna som har alla odds emot sig.
Spelet har samma tidsmekanism som Thebes, där varje moment man utför tar tid som markeras genom att en tids-spelpjäs flyttas fram längs tidsräkneskalan som löper runt hela spelplanen. Att flytta sig från ett rum till ett annan "kostar" till exempel en minut, att försöka släcka en brand allt från 1-10 minuter (man slår en D10 för att se om man klarat uppdraget, mindre på tärningen än antal minuter så har uppdraget utförts lyckosamt, annars har man bara slösat tid).
Ju längre man flyttar tidsmarkören, desto fler nya händelsekort ska dras, med fler uppgifter att ta hand om längs vägen – som översvämningar, bränder, missiler som riskerar att självavfyras med mera. Ju längre längs tidslinjen man kommer, desto närmare är man också räddningen, för efter 60 minuter är har man tillsammans klarat spelet och därmed vunnit.
Hur var det då med spriten. Jo, spriten är bra för att uppbåda mod att ta sig in där det brinner, men händelsekort kan också öka graden av berusning utan nytta och blir man tillräckligt full slocknar man och riskerar att dö om en brand eller översvämning drabbar det rum där man stilla insomnat.
Det här är ett snabbt, roligt, rätt kaotiskt och lite slumpartat spel som fascinerar med sin enkla uppbyggnad med mängder av avväganden att ta hänsyn till och massor av uppgifter som snabbt måste lösas.
Samarbetet fungerar också över förväntan, särskilt om man håller de fixarprylar som man samlar på sig under spelets gång öppna för varandra.
Att spelet tar kort tid att spela, om man är maximalt fyra spelare, är ett klart plus då man oftast vill ha omedelbar revansch efter sitt misslyckande (spelet är svårt att lyckas klara).
245 kr
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