7.57 7.57 / 10, (1126 röster) - Sätt betyg
Antal spelare: 2 - 5
Speltid: 120 (min)
Ålder: 12+
Försälj. rank: 3007/15761
499 kr
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Tyvärr går det inte att beställa Quartermaster General: 1914 just nu.
Lägg in dig på produktbevakningen så mailar vi dig så snart vi får in produkten.
Game board
216 cards
45 wooden Army pieces
16 wooden Navy pieces
2 Scoring markers
1 Game Round marker
2 Reminder tokens
6 Objective tokens
5 Player Aid sheets
Quartermaster General: 1914 is a new, fast-paced game in the critically acclaimed Quartermaster General series, designed by Ian Brody, that pits the Central Powers against the Entente Powers. Based on the popular Quartermaster General system, this card-driven wargame reflects the military, economic, and political intrigue of the time.
In Quartermaster General: 1914, each power has its own unique deck of cards, with its own strengths and strategies, providing strong replayability as you try your hand at playing the different powers. Each card has two different uses: one when played, and another when prepared. On their turn, players have the opportunity to both play and prepare a card. They can also spend cards to draft more troops or use cards to subject their opponents to attrition.
Each Power’s deck represents the resources of that player: “digging” too quickly through the deck in the early game might result in unsupported armies being swept away in the final rounds. This is worth it if a player can capture Berlin or Paris in 1915 - but if the gambit fails, you may have a tough road ahead. The game ends after 17 rounds of play, or earlier if one side has a commanding enough lead.
Quartermaster General: 1914 is a must-have for all fans of the Quartermaster General series, and for anybody looking for an accessible grand-strategy game on the “Great War.”
Speltyp: Krigsspel
Kategori: Första Världskriget, Områdeskontroll, Kortdrivet, Kortdragande, Samarbete, Lekbyggande, Hand management
Tillverkare: Övriga
Länkar: Regler, Tillverkarens hemsida, BoardGameGeek
Taggar: Lägg till/editera tags
499 kr
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